Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Day 4: Shopping

The day here in Philly started out rainy and drizzly but it didn't slow down our sightseeing or shopping!  We started the day by touring Kathy's old neighborhood and seeing the house she grew up in.  Very nice.

It also wouldn't be a trip to the Philadelphia area without stopping by a Wawa.  You all may know what a Wawa is but I didn't until I came here.  A Wawa is like a 7 Eleven but has more of a selection and an automated food ordering system.  Kathy showed me the ropes and now I can say I've been to a Wawa for breakfast.

Next stop on our journey was the Fonthill Museum and Tile Works.  The mansion was gorgeous and constructed mostly of concrete.  Many of the windows have been replaced with wood frames but you can still see some of the remaining concrete window frames.  Very interesting gentleman, that Mr. Mercer, and apparently very afraid of a fire.  Here is a picture of the mansion which is now a museum.

This is a picture of the carriage house, also constructed of concrete...

My favorite stop was the tile shop.  Many, many beautiful tiles to choose from.  I bought 3 and one included a 2012 commemorative tile with chickens on it.  Imagine my chickens! :)

Next stop was shopping in New Hope. New Hope is a quaint little town filled with fun and intersting shops.  I saw a ton of beautiful art and of course want to recreate it all when I get home.  There was also many historic buildings there dating back to the 1700's.  Wow.

Couldn't resist getting my picture taken with this guy...kind of reminds me of my 6 foot tall nutcracker at home!

We took a little break from shopping for Kathy to humor me and allow me to walk across the Delaware River to the dark side...New Jersey.  She was convinced that I would end up with big hair and start talking funny if I did it.  I guess it was a good thing I had my hair in a pony tail!  Here is my bridge to New Jersey...

We spent the rest of the day touring the countryside and shopping in Peddler's Village in Lahaska, Pennsylvania.  Lot's of fun shops and I even bought myself a tiny little german smoker-- but what I really wanted was one of those $1000 cuckoo clocks!

I'll leave you with a few of my favorite pictures of the countryside.

Don't you wish you were here?!


Carla said...

Tammy, looks like you had an awesome trip!! I love PA, especially the Amish country and the Pennsylvania Dutch. I have 2 sisters that live in eastern PA and have been in that area quite a few times! Seeing some of your photos makes me long to go there again!! Its so beautiful. And did they tell you the correct way to pronounce Schuykill?!! My older sister lives in Schuykill County I think.