I love to go to the beach even if it's just for a few days! We just spent the past three days in Lincoln City for a short vacation and had a blast. I went on my second deep sea fishing trip and this one included crabbing...I caught my limit on sea bass and even brought home 7 dungeness crabs! Too bad Dave gets sea sick because I really think he would have fun.
We did a whole lot of kite flying and playing on the beach, and Gabe even tried surfing on a kick board. The water was freezing but he kept going back for more! Here are some pictures of our trip:
Gabe is pretty sure this is a surf board...he even tied it to his ankle! It was the best $17 bucks I've ever spent on hours worth of entertainment.
I love this picture of Dave and Gabe flying the kite. I know it's pretty far away but to me it's just a great shot of the two of them together.
A beautiful Oregon Coast sunset.
Ok, so this isn't a glamour shot but this is what I look like after a 5 hour fishing trip when I had to be on the docs at 06:30 for a 07:00 departure. Look at that sweet bass!
Another great shot of the crab pots as our deck hand was getting ready to throw them off the boat. He would yell "trailing" as he threw the bouy and the rope in the water for each pot. When the rope got to the end, he threw in the pot and yelled "in the water" to the captain. It was cool.
Our big catch!
Yum, I brought home 7 of these babies!
On the evening before we came home we caught up with Dave's brother Jim, his wife Alex and the boys. Gabe and Karl played and played on the beach together. It's great that they are so close in age because it has made them best buddies.