Sunday, October 26, 2008

"The Sheriff called...

your pigs were on the highway". Yep, the novelty of being a pig farmer has worn off and Dave wasn't even around for me to yell at!!
It just so happened that Gabe and I walked out the front door yesterday afternoon to see our neighbor and his grandsons herding Peck and Pearl back up to the pen. After I said a few four-letter cuss words I ran down the hill to try to help round those little buggers up. Do you think they wanted to cooperate? ...NO, the grass is definitely greener on the other side. After a very graceful pig-dive and a few oinks and squeals, the neighbor was able to catch Pearl by the back leg and wheelbarrow race her back into the pen. Thank goodness Peck followed because I wasn't about to test my pig-diving skills. Geez, I think I'm ready for pork chops.


mustangkayla said...

Sorry Tammy, but that is pretty dang funny!

Laura Gilhuly said...

that is too funny...sorry to be laughing but it really cracked me up!

mommy5x said...
