How could it possibly be August already? I'm feeling guilty for severely neglecting my blog but as you can see in the photos that follow...I haven't been neglecting my family. Work has been crazy for me but we still managed to squeeze in a vacation and several weekend get-aways. Here's a recap starting with a beach trip in June:

June also brought a dance recital for Tanner. Tanner started in dance last fall when the dance studio offered scholarships to the high-school football players. The players increased their strength and agility through ballet. Yes. My 6'1" boy took ballet, slippers and all.
He did amazing. I was so proud.
We also added some new additions to our family. 6 to be exact. Yes, our crazy life continues with free ranging chickens.
Golf lessons for the 3rd year in a row. Gabe figured it out in a big way this year. He may not be the next Tiger Woods but he's sure trying!
This picture is of Gabe climbing into an airplane during the Young Eagle Flyers program at the airport. This was Gabe's very first flight and he had a wonderful time with his pilot, Mr. Berg. He even got to talk on the radio!
4th of July. Instead of riding on the hospital float this year Gabe walked along side it with me and helped hand out flags. He's such a great helper!

It can't be summer without a Slip 'N Slide. Well, two Slip 'N Slides to be exact. The first one only lasted one day before it popped. Probably the best $9 we've spent in a long time.

July brought a sad event for Dave's family. His step dad passed away and while it was hard, it did bring the family all together for several weekends of fun.
I did manage to squeeze in a weeks vacation and we took a day trip to Camp Wendi and Badger Lake in the Mt. Hood wilderness area. The wild flowers were amazing and as you can see Gabe caught himself a little trout. He was not happy about releasing it but he finally let it swim away.

More fun with family hanging out at Uncle Dan and Aunt Nancys. This is a picture of Dave, his mom, and sister Maria.

Last but certainly not least, is the county fair. We managed to go every day but one and also managed to drop a fair amount of cash in the process. Gabe had fun riding the rides though.

The next two pictures are of my son Tanner and his wild horse race team. The fair rodeo was the first time I've actually seen him compete and let me tell you, it was not easy to watch. The guys have to stop the wild horse, put a saddle on it, and then one of them has to ride it down to the other end of the arena around a barrel. This is pure stupidity from a mother's point of view. Yes, this is the same kid who ballet danced in a recital two months ago.

As you can see, they didn't win. Theron got bucked off and thank goodness he didn't get hurt.
Thanks for letting me overload you with photos. Hopefully, now I can keep up a little better with my blogging!!
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